The Word is a transformative literary arts program powered by an intergenerational cooperative of diverse, justice-minded spoken word artists. The Word builds community by growing radically inclusive writing and performance programs grounded in poetry, rap, and song. Through its many partnerships, The Word brings a creative life force into social action groups, movements, and institutions – expanding our collective capacity to re-imagine ourselves and our world.
The Word holds many different types of events each year. There are Lit Cyphers which are held quarterly at Neighborhood Music School and open to everyone. The Youth Slam which is an annual competition open to individuals up to age 19 and the Adult Slam for individuals 20 and above. There are other activities such as the weekly workshops open to all at The Neighborhood Music School, in school workshops and hybrid workshops. The CT Youth Slam Team is part of The Word and consists of the top 4 students from the CT Youth Slam!