The Word is a transformative literary arts program powered by an intergenerational cooperative of diverse, justice-minded spoken word artists. The Word builds community by growing radically inclusive writing and performance programs grounded in poetry, rap, and song. Through its many partnerships, The Word brings a creative life force into social action groups, movements, and institutions – expanding our collective capacity to re-imagine ourselves and our world.

Lit Cyphers 2022-2023
Once a quarter our Interim Artistic Director Tarishi who is the predominant weekly Word Workshops Teaching Artist at Neighborhood Music School hosts a Lit Cypher. The Lit Cyphers are an event held at Neighborhood Music School where poets, musicians and creators perform their works. Each Lit Cypher we have a different Feature Performer and a student Feature Performer. Many of the Feature Performers are Teaching Artists with The Word and many of the student Feature Performers are students who have attended workshops with us. If you are interested in being a Feature Performer please email a sample of your performing your work