The Word is a transformative literary arts program powered by an intergenerational cooperative of diverse, justice-minded spoken word artists. The Word builds community by growing radically inclusive writing and performance programs grounded in poetry, rap, and song. Through its many partnerships, The Word brings a creative life force into social action groups, movements, and institutions – expanding our collective capacity to re-imagine ourselves and our world.
The Word is a collective of professional poets, MC’s, and teachers helping New Haven students to become stronger poets and culture creators. The Word increases youth access to safe spaces for expression, creative community, professional artists, modes of expression. Add your truth and fire to THE WORD! Connect with New Haven middle and high school students in our in-school & after-school program. APPLY TODAY!
Working with The Word has been a transformative experience for me. I came to The Word as youth poet participating in the 2014 showcase. I was able to interact
with local teaching artists in a real and personable way that resulted in the strong relationship I now have with Aaron and Hanifa.
They challenged me to access the leader they knew I could be by giving me responsibilities that put me in positions to advocate for myself and what I believe in. I felt empowered by not only the time they
invested in developing my skills but to be able to be employed as a local youth spoken word artist- where any job in this field is limited and opportunity for youth are little to none.
I am very grateful for my experience with The Word and hope that opportunity like this are open to all youth artists in this field.